Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.

Ver. 27. Turn not to the right.] Keep the king's highway; keep within God's precincts, and ye keep under his protection. The heathen orator a could say, A recta conscientia ne latum quidem unguem discedendum; A man may not depart a hair's breadth all his life long from the dictates of a good conscience.

Remove thy foot from evil.] Bestir thee no otherwise than if thou hadst trod upon a snake. "Abhor that which is evil"; Rom 12:9 "abstain from all appearance," all shows and shadows of it. 1Th 5:22 Run from the occasions of it; "come not near the doors of her house." Pro 5:8

a Cic. in Offic.

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