John Trapp Complete Commentary
Proverbs 8:4
Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice [is] to the sons of man.
Ver. 4. Unto you, O men, I call.] O viri praestantes, - so some render it, O ye eminent men, whether for greatness of birth, wealth, or learning. The Pharisees and philosophers, for their learning, are called the "princes of this world." 1Co 2:8 Sed sapientes sapienter in infernum descendunt, saith one; et potentes potenter torguebuntur, saith another. But "the world by wisdom knows not God"; 1Co 1:21 and "not many wise men, not many mighty, not many noble are called." Pro 8:26 And yet they shall not want for calling, if that would do it, for "unto you, O mighty men, I call." Sed surdo plerunque fabulam, but all to little purpose, for the most part. They that lay their heads upon down pillows cannot so easily hear noises. Courts and great places prove ill air for zeal. Divitibus ideo pietas deest, quia nihil deest. Rich men's wealth proves a hindrance to their happiness.
And my voice is to the sons of men,] i.e., To the meaner sort of people. See Psalms 49:2. These usually, like little fishes, bite more than bigger. The poor are evangelized, a saith our Saviour. Smyrna was the poorest, but best of the seven churches. Certain it is, that many of the meaner sort hold that they are not bound to look after Scripture matters, but that it is for rich men and scholars only to do so. We have nothing, say they, to live by but these hands. How can day labourers and poor craftsmen attend to such things? b The baser sort of people in Switzerland do always break the Sabbath, saying that it is only for gentlemen to keep that day. See Jer 5:4 John 7:49. But Paul, a poor tent maker, could say, "Our conversation is in heaven"; and God's people are "afflicted and poor," yet "they trust in the name of the Lord." Zep 3:12 Who ever richer than Adam in Paradise? poorer than Job on the dunghill? Yet in Paradise Satan foiled Adam, on the dunghill Job foiled Satan. Think not that poverty can excuse from duty. Poor men also must listen to wisdom's voice, or it will be worse with them; there is yet but a beginning of their sorrows.
a ευαγγελιζονται .
b " πως δυνησομαι χειροτεχνης ων και πενης φιλοσοφειν ." - Chrysost, Hom. 22, ad Pop. Antioch.