Psalms 110:1 «A Psalm of David. » The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

A Psalm of David] Concerning Christ, saith R. Obadiah, and so say Christ himself, Matthew 22:44, and his apostles, 1Co 15:25 Hebrews 1:13; Hebrews 10:12,13, though some Rabbis maliciously say otherwise, as R. Joseph, caecus qui hic caecutit, to say the best of him, and other Jewish doctors, who stagger here in their expositions, as drunkards, ως οι μεθυοντες (Chrysostom).

Ver. 1. The Lord said unto my Lord] In this one verse we have a description of Christ's person, his wars and his victory; so that we may say of it (and so indeed of the whole psalm, which is an epitome of the gospel), as Cicero did of Brutus's laconical epistle, Quam multa, quam paucisi How much in a little. See Trapp on " Mat 22:44 "

Sit thou at my right hand] Sit thou with me in my throne, having power over all things in heaven and earth, Mat 28:18 Christ, as man, received what, as God, he had before.

Until I make thine enemies thy footstool] Foes Christ hath ever had, and shall have to the world's end; but then they shall be all in a place fittest for them, viz. under Christ's feet; even those who now set up their crests, face the heavens, and say unto the King, Apostata, stouting it out with him.

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