Psalms 111:1

Praise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with [my] whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and [in] the congregation. Ver. 1. _Praise ye the Lord_] At the passover especially; for this and the other hallelujatical psalms that follow (called by the Jews the Great Hallelujah) were sung at that... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:2

The works of the LORD [are] great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. Ver. 2. _The works of the Lord are great_] _Magnalia; _ no small things are done by so great a hand. _Grandior solet esse Deus in parvulis quam in magnis; in formicis maior anima quam in elephantis, in nanis quam... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:3

His work [is] honourable and glorious: and his righteousness endureth for ever. Ver. 3. _His work is honourable_] Heb. honour and glory, they all come tipped and gilt, with a glory upon them, a _centro ad coelum._ This the brutish man knoweth not, Psalms 92:6 . _ His righteousness endureth for eve... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:4

He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD [is] gracious and full of compassion. Ver. 4. _He hath made his wonderful, &c._] _Memorabilia reddidit mirabilia sua clemens et misericors Iehova._... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:5

_He hath given meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindful of his covenant._ Ver. 5. _He hath given meat_] Heb. a prey, _Escam demensam; _ as he did manna to the Israelites, to each a homer; so to all his he giveth food convenient for them, Proverbs 30:8, _Cibum et potum, quae sunt diviti... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:6

He hath shewed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen. Ver. 6. _He hath showed his people, &c._] To them it is given to see, but not to others who are delivered up to a judiciary blindness. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:7

The works of his hands [are] verity and judgment; all his commandments [are] sure. Ver. 7. _The work of his hands_] They speak him a true and just God. Chrysostom taketh truth here for mercy, and noteth that God usually mixeth mercy with justice; yet sometimes he sendeth an evil, an only evil, Ezek... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:8

They stand fast for ever and ever, [and are] done in truth and uprightness. Ver. 8. _They stand fast for ever and ever_] The promises are infallible, good sure hold, not yea and nay, but yea and amen. _ And are done_] _i.e._ Ordained, made, and ratified.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:9

He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend [is] his name. Ver. 9. _He sent redemption unto his people_] Once out of Egypt, ever out of Satan's thraldom. _ He hath commanded his covenant for ever_] _Sic cum populo suo pactus est ut de ipsius paeti... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 111:10

The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do [his commandments]: his praise endureth for ever. Ver. 10. _The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom_] Or the principal point and chief perfection. See Pro 1:7 Job 28:28. _See Trapp on "_ Pro 1:7 _... [ Continue Reading ]

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