The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do [his commandments]: his praise endureth for ever.

Ver. 10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom] Or the principal point and chief perfection. See Pro 1:7 Job 28:28. See Trapp on " Pro 1:7 " See Trapp on " Job 28:28 "

A good understanding have all they] So much a man knoweth in true account, as he doth; hence understanding is here ascribed to the will; so Job 28:28. See Ecclesiastes 10:2. Some render it, Good success.

His praise endureth for ever] i.e. God's praise; for they that understand it of the godly wise man understand not the propriety of the Hebrew word Tehillah, saith an interpreter.

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