He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend [is] his name.

Ver. 9. He sent redemption unto his people] Once out of Egypt, ever out of Satan's thraldom.

He hath commanded his covenant for ever] Sic cum populo suo pactus est ut de ipsius paeti observatione certis edictis caverit, as he covenanted, so he looketh his commandments should be respected, which are as binding to us as his covenant is to him; and, through grace, his covenant is as binding to him as those are to us.

Holy and reverend is his name] Which, therefore, we should not presume in a sudden unmannerliness to blurt out. The Jews would not pronounce it. The Grecians (as Suidas observeth), when they would swear by their Jupiter, forbare to mention him. This is cheek to the profaneness common among us. Let those that would have their name reverend labour to be holy as God is holy.

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