Psalms 122:1 «A Song of degrees of David. » I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

Ver. 1. I was glad when they said unto me] The flourish of religion is the chief joy of the good Christian. Hence the evangelical jubilee among the Protestant party. Gregory Nazianzen writes that his father being a heathen, and often besought by his wife to become a Christian, had this verse suggested unto him in a dream, and was much wrought upon thereby. Wolfgangus Schuch, a Dutch martyr in Lotharing, hearing the sentence of his condemnation to the fire, began to sing this psalm (Acts & Mon. fol. 807).

Let us go into the house of the Lord] "I will go also," as Zec 8:21 said holy David; who was much cheered at his people's forwardness in God's service, and became their captain.

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