A Song of degrees. LORD, remember David, [and] all his afflictions:

Ver. 1. Lord, remember David] Origen holdeth Solomon to have been penman of all these songs of degrees, as hath been before noted. But as that is not likely (see the titles of Psalms 122:1; Psalms 124:1; Psa 131:1), so divers interpreters conceive this to be his; because much of it is the same with that prayer he made at the dedication of the temple, 2 Chronicles 6:16; 2 Chronicles 6:14; 2 Chronicles 6:42. Here, then, he prayeth God to remember David, that is (not his merits and suffrages, as the monks would have it, but), the promises made unto him (for the which Solomon praised God as well as for the performance to himself, 2Ch 6:10), and his singular solicitude about the house and worship of God, which was so great, as that it affected, yea, afflicted his spirit; whence it followeth here, "and all his afflictions"; for which it is, 2 Chronicles 6:42, the mercies or kindness of David, Ita ut dormire non potuerit (Kimchi.)

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