While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.

Ver. 2. While I live will I praise the Lord] George Carpenter, the Bavarian martyr, being desired by some godly brethren, that when he was burning in the fire he would give them some sign of his constance, answered, Let this be a sure sign unto you of my faith and perseverance in the truth, quod usque dum os aperire, aut certe hiscere licebit, that so long as I am able to hold open my mouth, or to whisper, I will never cease to praise God, and to profess his truth. Id quod et fecit, saith mine author, that which also he did; and so did many other martyrs besides (Scultet. Annal. dec. 2, p. 110).

While I have any being] Either in this world or in the next; for then also, and much more, I shall praise God.

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