He maketh my feet like hinds' [feet], and setteth me upon my high places.

Ver. 33. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet] Heb. He matcheth my feet, like hinds' feet; that is, not only swift, if I have occasion by flight to provide for myself, or to pursue mine enemies flying before me; but also steady, if I come into any dangerous places. Asahel was swift of foot as a wild roe, 2 Samuel 2:18. Josephus saith of him, that he contended with horses in running. Saul and Jonathan are said to be swifter than eagles, 2 Samuel 1:23. Achilles was ποδας ωκυς, saith Homer. The hind, when pursued by the wolf, runs most swiftly; witness the poet (Horat. lib. 1, Obadiah 1:15,23):

Quem tu, cervus uti vallis in altera

Visum parte lupum, graminis immemor,

Sublimi fugies mollis anhelitu.

And again,

Vitas hinnuleo me similis, Chloe, &c.

But they that wait upon the Lord have a promise that they shall not only run as hinds, but mount up as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint, Isaiah 40:31 .

He setteth me upon my high places] Where, having by flight or fight escaped, I am secured; yea, he hath advanced me, and brought me to this high honour, Securus postquam evasi ab illis (R. David).

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