He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

Ver. 34. He teacheth mine hands to war] David ascribeth all his military skill and success to God; so did not other great warriors, Alexander, Scipio, Fabius, &c., but sacrificed to their own nets, and were ready to say, as Sesostris, king of Egypt, did when he had conquered any country, he was wont to set up pillars with these words engraven upon them, This country I got by mine own strength and valour, ταυτην την χωρην ωμοισι τοις εμοισιν εκτησαμην (Herodot. l. 2).

So that a bow of steel, &c.] Which is more flexible and stronger than a bow of iron; whence is that, Job 20:24 .

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