Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth.

Ver. 7. Then the earth shook and trembled, &c.] Upon David's prayer all this befell; like as, Acts 4:31, the house shook wherein they were praying; and the thundering legion procured thunder and rain; and so did Samuel by his prayers, 1 Samuel 12:17,18. But this terrible tempest here described is to be taken rather allegorically than historically. The prophet, in most lofty and lively terms and expressions (far above the strain of the most sublime either poets or orators), describeth God's powerful presence and concurrence in David's conquests.

The foundations also of the hills] That is, so vehement was the earthquake, that it shook, as it were, the roots of the mountains, which lie deep within the ground, 2 Samuel 22:8. These hills are called the foundation of heaven, as Job 26:11, the pillars of heaven; because the tops of high mountains seem to touch the clouds, and the heavens seem to lean upon them; and because the earth is in the centre of the world, about the which the heavens do continually turn.

Because he was wroth] Or, burn did his nose. So

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