I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

Ver. 14. I am poured out like water] i.e. I am almost past all recovery, as water spilt upon the ground.

And all my bones are out of joint] Or, disparted, as on a rack, or by a strappado. Who hath not heard how Lithgow, the Scot, was used at Malaga, in Spain, by the bloody inquisitors? after that he had passed through the greatest part of the known world, and travelled through forests, wildernesses, and deserts, where he met with thieves and murderers, lions, bulls, bears, and tigers, and escaped them, how they starved him, wounded him, disjointed him, in ten hours' time laid seventy various torments upon him, though they had nothing against him but suspicion of religion. And yet, after this, God wonderfully delivered him, so that he was brought on his bed wounded and broken to King James, whose letters of recommendation he had for his safe travel through the world, and to whom he made this relation to the face of Gundamour, the Spanish ambassador. This was much, but yet little or nothing to Christ's sufferings, whence that passage in the Greek litany, Dι αγνωστων σου παθηματων, &c., By thine unknown sufferings, good Lord, deliver us.

My heart is like wax, &c.] Fear and faintness causeth an extreme sweat (such as was that of our Saviour in his agony, Luk 22:44), it disableth also the members from acting their parts, and softeneth the heart, Job 23:16 .

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