O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent.

Ver. 2. O my God, I cry in the day time, &c.] This was a sore temptation, that his heartiest prayers were not heard. This might have made him jealous of God; to have had hard conceits of him and heavy conceits of himself. But saith he in the following verses, Thou art holy, and thy name is to be sanctified, though I be not gratified. And moreover, others have called upon thee and have been heard, Psalms 22:4,5, though I now for mine unworthiness am denied. For "I am a worm, and no man," Psalms 22:6. Thus it puts him not off that he is not heard, as others; but humbles him. It drives him not (as is usual with carnal people in like case) to shifting courses, as a dog that hath lost his master will follow after any one for relief. A Christian never prevaileth so little by his prayers but that he will take heart of grace to come again to God. Silence, or sad answers, do not utterly dishearten him. He ceaseth not wrestling till he hath wrested the blessing out of God's hand with Jacob, and gotten matter of praise for his prayers granted, as David here doth, ere he had done the psalm, Psalms 22:24,25 .

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