Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.

Ver. 20. Deliver my soul from the sword] i.e. From desperate and deadly danger, from the wicked, which is thy sword, Psalms 17:13 .

My darling from the power of the dog] Heb. Mine only one from the hand, &c., as Genesis 9:5. Sic est anima in corpore, ut in domo lutea, nec habet socium, saith R. David here; The soul is alone in its cottage of clay, and hath no companion. That was a mad fellow who gave out that he had two souls, one for God, and another for whomsoever would have it. If the dog, that is, the devil, as some interpret this text, lay hands on this darling, it will be found to be all that a man hath, his alonely soul, the loss whereof our Saviour showeth to be both incomparable and irreparable, Matthew 16:26 .

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