Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.

Ver. 21. Save me from the lion's mouth] 2 Timothy 4:17. David was oft snatched out of death's mouth, and so was Christ; for although he had his life taken away upon the cross, yet was it (as Calvin here well observeth) more miraculously and by greater power restored after death, than if he had been delivered from the cross; and it is a greater miracle to raise the dead than to heal the most dangerously sick, and to stay the life when it is departing.

For thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns] See Hebrews 5:7. It is ordinary with David to call his enemies by the names of the fiercest creatures. This here mentioned, whether the unicorn, or rhinoceros, or some other wild beast, see Job 39:9, &c. Cornua habet fortiora aliorum cornibus, saith Aben Ezra; Et audivi quod deiecit seipsum ab alto monte super cornu eius, irrupto illo permanente. Asperrimam feram appellat Plinius.

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