For thy lovingkindness [is] before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth.

Ver. 3. For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes] And that is a strong tie upon my conscience. The cords of love are the cords of a man, Hosea 11:4. To sin against mercy is to sin against humanity, it is no less than bestial, than devilish. When, therefore, I am tempted to recompense evil for evil thy lovingkindness comes before me, and reineth me in.

And I have walked in thy truth] i.e. According to thy word: I have led a Bible conversation, though solicited to do otherwise by the courtiers and politicians, with that profane proverb of theirs, πουλυποδος νουν εσχε (Theog.), comply with the times, and be not so strait laced: Religiosum oportet esse, sed non Religantem.

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