I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers.

Ver. 4. I have not sat with vain persons] Who are void of God's holy fear, but filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, &c., Romans 1:29. Courtiers are such for most part, and David never delighted in such company, to sit with them, especially when they were acting mischief; which while Cromwell did at the condemnation of Lambert, martyr, and Sir John Cheek at other such like meetings, they were cast upon no small snares and inconveniences. See Jeremiah 15:17 .

Neither will I go in with dissemblers] Heb. close workers of iniquity, secret and sly sirs, such as hide themselves to do evil, as the Chaldee hath it, Qui secreto male agunt, and can carry their wickedness cleanly and closely, so as that the world shall be little the wiser, versatiles et versutili, multiplices, Protei; such as can serve the times, and shift their sails to the setting of every wind, Machiavellians, Ahithophels, Jonadabs, 2 Samuel 13:3. These men's wisdom may serve them, as the ostrich's wings, to make them outrun others upon earth, though it be into hell's mouth, but help them never a whit toward heaven. David, therefore, would have nothing to do with them, he would neither enter, walk, nor sit with any such, confer Psa 1:1 they should not sprinkle him with their court holy water.

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