Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Ver. 14. Wait on the Lord] Expecta, expecta. See how earnest good David is with himself and others; for he knew men's dulness, and the difficulty of the duty. Religious men find it more easy to bear evil than to wait till the promised good he enjoyed; Hebrews 10:36, the spoiling of their goods required patience; but this more than ordinary. Let our distance from God, our dependence upon him, and our undone condition without him, be but considered; and we shall be the more willing to wait, yea, to want and go without some things, that we are but too much set upon.

Be of good courage] Be confirmed, hold fast, play the man (as the Seventy have it, and the apostle useth the same word, 1Co 16:13), and let not the big words of thine enemies make thee to cast away thy confidence, which hath so great recompense of reward.

And he shall strengthen thy heart] Or, let thine heart be confirmed, cheer up, hold out faith and patience.

Wait, I say, on the Lord] i.e. De die in diem expecta, wait still; do it from one day to another. God is a free agent, neither is it fit for us to send for him by a post. Many of his promises bear a long date; but they are sure and infallible. Wait, therefore; and why? See Habakkuk 2:3. See Trapp on " Hab 2:3 "

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