When the wicked, [even] mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.

Ver. 2. When the wicked, even mine enemies, came upon me] Made impression upon me, with utmost violence and open mouth, as if they would have devoured me, like a cannibal; or as a lion doth a sheep, inhumanissime, ferarumque more, saith Junius, barbarously and beastly.

They stumbled and fell] Irritis conatibus corruerunt, they utterly lost their design, as did those Amalekites who had sacked Ziklag, 1 Samuel 30:16,19, and Saul often. If a man stumble and fall not, he gets ground; but if after much blundering he kiss the ground, he falleth with a force. David's enemies did so, corruerunt et conciderunt; they were irreparably ruined.

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