One [thing] have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.

Ver. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord] One thing above the rest. Every one of God's suppliants, have some special request that he mainly insisteth on; and King David's was the liberty of God's sanctuary, and enjoyment of his public ordinances, ut cultu Dei libero et legitimo uti possit (Jun.).

Hoc primus petit, hoe postremus omittit.

This was dearer to him than wife, children, goods, all. This suit he knew to be honest, and, therefore, he began it; and being so, he is resolved never to give it over, but to prosecute it to the utmost, and to persevere in prayer (which is a great virtue, Rom 12:12) till he had prevailed.

That will I seek after] As God's constant remembrancer, who loveth to be importuned, and, as it were, jogged by his praying people. Herein David showed himself a true Israelite, a prince of God, and, as Nazianzen styleth Basil the Great, Aνηρ επιθυμιων των του πνευματος, a man of desires flowing from the Spirit. He knew well that a faint suitor doth but beg a denial.

That I may dwell in the house of the Lord] i.e. In the place where was the ark, with the prophets, priests, Levites, Asaph and his brethren, &c., with whom David desired to be taken up in the service of God, free from secular cares and delights, at times convenient. Pyrrhus told Cyneas that when he had finished his wars once he would then sit still and be merry. The Roman generals, when they had once triumphed over their enemies, might take their ease and pleasure for ever after. But good David resolves to improve his rest, whenever God shall grant it him, to perpetual piety; "That I may dwell," saith he, or sit "in the house of Jehovah all the days of my llfe": this was the height of his ambition, this was David's delight.

To behold the beauty of the Lord] Heb. the delight, amenity, or pleasantness of Jehovah: hoc est cultum Dei ordinatum, saith Kimchi, those ceremonial services which were their gospel, and Christ in figure, Hebrews 8:5, whom David desired to contemplate.

And to inquire in his temple] Heb. Early to inquire, that is, earnestly, what that good and holy and acceptable will of God is. Here it was that David used to seek satisfaction and resolution of his doubts and scruples when at any time he was gravelled, Psalms 73:16,17. Some render it, ut lustrem templum eius.

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