Psalms 28:1 «[A Psalm] of David. » Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, [if] thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

Ver. 1. Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock] That thou mayest grant me what I begged so earnestly of thee in the former psalm especially, Psalms 28:4, "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that I will seek after," &c. For this psalm is of the same subject with that; and seemeth to have been made much about the same time, viz. after that David had twice spared Saul's life, 1 Samuel 24:4,6, &c.; 1 Samuel 26:12; 1 Samuel 26:21. Only here he expresseth himself, not as if he had been a private person, and in daily danger of his life; but as destined and designed to the kingdom by Almighty God, to whom, therefore, he prayeth for himself and the people, and against their implacable enemies, with so great confidence, as that he presently praiseth him for his request obtained, Psalms 28:6 .

Be not silent to me] Cease not, as deaf, from me. If God seem to be deaf to us, we must cry the louder; that, having prepared our hearts by such a seeming silence, he may cause his ears to hear, Psalms 10:17, which he will not fail to do when once we set up our note, and make bitter moan.

Lest, if thou be silent, &c.] Here are his reasons to help his hope to be heard. God is well pleased that we argue it out with him in prayer.

Like them that go down into the pit] Or, dirty dungeon, that is, the grave; or, as Kimchi, lest I be as the wicked, that go down to hell. "The righteous perisheth," Isaiah 57:1, that is, the world looks upon them as lost.

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