Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up.

Ver. 5. Because they regard not the works of the Lord] That is, saith Kimchi, the worship of God they care not for; but follow the vanities of the world. Or, the works of God in heaven and earth; the consideration whereof is a part of God's worship. Or, "they regard not the works of the Lord," that is, the first making; nor

The operation of his hands] That is, the present disposing of his creatures, either by way of mercy or judgment, whereof these brutish persons make no observation at all, Psalms 92:5,7 Isaiah 5:12; particularly they neither regard my present affliction, Amos 6:6, nor believe my future exaltation to the throne, as God hath promised me, but oppose it all they can, and would gladly prevent it, which yet they cannot, but will be found fighters against God.

He shall destroy them, and not build them up] Destroy them in this world, and not build them up in the world to come, say the Rabbis. Or, as others, he shall break them down, as men do old rotten ruinous houses, and never more repair or rebuild them. Non potest Deus non perdere iudiciis suis, qui non erudiuntur documentis (Jun.). They that will not be ruled shall be ruined. See 1 Samuel 2:25 .

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