Psalms 31:19 [Oh] how great [is] thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; [which] thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!

Ver. 19. Oh how great is thy goodness] The prophet venteth himself by way of exclamation, as finding it unspeakable; fitter to be believed than possible to be discoursed; words are too weak to utter it. What shall we say to these things? quoth that great apostle, Romans 8:31 .

Which thou hast laid up] Heb. hidden. Besides that good which God worketh openly for his before the sons of men, a great part of his wonderful kindness is hidden from the world, and in part also from themselves, both in respect of the fountain, 2 Chronicles 3:3, the fulness, 1 Corinthians 2:9, and the inward sealing up thereunto, 1Co 2:11-12 Rev 2:17 Proverbs 14:10 .

For them that fear thee; that trust in thee] For faith must be actuated; and when we have such a precious promise as this we must suck and be satisfied, Isaiah 66:11, put on to get the goodness of God to work, which is done by believing. Catch hold, as David did, 1 Chronicles 17:23,26; and make the utmost of God's loving-kindness laid up in a promise; press it, and oppress it, till the goodness be expressed out of these breasts of consolation.

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