Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed with grief, [yea], my soul and my belly.

Ver. 9. Have mercy upon me, O Lord] Antiquum obtine, Do now, Lord, as thou hitherto hast done.

For I am in trouble] Overwhelmed with the terrors of death, and ready to sink, animus mihi pendet, I know not what to do.

Mine eye is consumed with grief] Computruit facies mea, mine eye (nitor oculi, vel facies) is gnawn away, or worm-eaten.

Yea, my soul, and my belly] Belly may be taken for the whole body, which was pined away and infeebled with pensiveness. Vatablus by soul understandeth the natural appetite after meat, and by belly the digestion, both which were decayed.

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