_David praises God, and exhorts others to do the same_, 1-3;
_shows how he sought the Lord, and how he was found of him_, 4-6.
_All are exhorted to taste and see the goodness of God; wi...
I WILL BLESS THE LORD - I will praise him; I will be thankful for his
mercies, and will always express my sense of his goodness.
AT ALL TIMES - In every situation of life; in every event that occurs....
Psalms 34
The Perfect Praise of His Redeemed People
_ 1. His praise for salvation (Psalms 34:1)_
2. The instructions of the righteous (Psalms 34:11)
3. His redemption remembered ...
XXXIV. YAHWEH'S CARE FOR HIS OWN. An acrostic Ps., the letter Waw
being omitted as in Psalms 25. Yahweh's care of the poor who fear Him.
Psalms 34:5. Read with LXX, look to him, be radiant, your face...
TITLE.. PSALM. App-65. of David. by, or relating to David.
WHEN. Compare 1 Samuel 21:10; 1 Samuel 22:1.
ABIMELECH. An appellative for the kings of Gath. This Abimelech was
named Achish. This is an Ac...
_His praise_ Cp. Psalms 33:1....
Resolution of praise....
_David praiseth God, and exhorteth others thereto by his experience.
They are blessed that trust in God. He exhorteth to the fear of God.
The privileges of the righteous._
_A Psalm_ of David, when he...
An Alphabetical Psalm of Praise and Instruction.
For convenience, this psalm may be regarded as resolving itself into
three stanzas of seven verses each, follow...
A thanksgiving of David for deliverance on the occasion of his
'changing his behaviour;' or, as Hengstenberg translat...
34:1 (a-0) An acrostic Psalm, arranged as Psalms 25 . Abimelech,
(b-11) Meaning, 'Father-king;' most probably the title of the
Philistine kings....
AT ALL TIMES.. CONTINUALLY] the utterance of a faith which can
maintain gratitude in adversity as well as in prosperity....
The reliability of this title (_A Psalm_ of David; when he feigned
madness (RM) before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed) is
doubtful, both because the Philistine king in question is call...
Psalms 1:41
Words in boxes are from the Bible.
The notes explain some of the words with a *star by them. Tap the *
before a word to show an explanation.
The translated Bible tex...
לְ דָוִ֗ד בְּ שַׁנֹּותֹ֣ו אֶת
־טַ֭עְמֹו לִ
Psalms 34:1
THE occasion of this psalm, according to the superscription, was that
humiliating and questionable episode, when David pretended insanity to
save his life from the ruler of Goliath's city...
Psalms 34:1
The event associated with this psalm is recorded in 1 Samuel 21:1. It
was not a very creditable incident. David, however, realized the
goodness of God, notwith...
In this psalm praise is personal. After the chorus of the last we have
a solo full of feeling. It tells of the goodness of Jehovah and that
in order that others may know and be helped. The opening dec...
"[A Psalm] of David, when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech;
who drove him away, and he departed." I will bless the LORD (a) at all
times: his praise [shall] continually [be] in my mouth.
David. Some of the Greek copies add, "psalm," and "unto the end." It
was composed during the persecutions of Saul, &c., and is applied by
the Fathers to Jesus Christ, who quotes ver. 19, (John xv. 25....
The Psalmist is celebrating divine goodness through the whole of this
Psalm, and from his experience calling upon the whole Church to engage
in the same delightful employment.
A Psalm of Da...
‘I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be
in my mouth,’ etc.
Psalms 34:1
TIMES.’—This should b...
Psalms 32
_ Proper Psalm for Ash Wednesday_ (_Morning_).
PSALMS 32-34 = _ Day 6_ (_Evening_)....
1._I will bless Jehovah at all times. _(687) David here extols the
greatness of God, promising to keep in remembrance during his whole
life the goodness which he had bestowed upon him. God assists his...
Psalms 34. The sure government of God enables faith to bless at all
times. He has proved His faithfulness to them that were in distress.
The psalmist, Christ in spirit, calls on the remnant to praise,...
I WILL BLESS THE LORD AT ALL TIMES,.... That is, ascribe blessing,
give honour, praise, and glory to him, both as the God of nature and
providence, for every temporal mercy; and that every day, and at...
_I will bless the Lord at all times_ I will never forget to bless God
for this miraculous deliverance. _My soul shall make her boast_, &c.
Shall glory in this, that I have so powerful and gracious a L...
A psalm of David when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, this
being the title of the Philistine rulers, Genesis 20:2, the nam...
I will bless the Lord at all times, in every season, David's own
cheerfulness being so notable because his troubles at that time were
by no means at an end, since he was obliged to hide in the cave
1-10 If we hope to spend eternity in praising God, it is fit that we
should spend much of our time here in this work. He never said to any
one, Seek ye me in vain. David's prayers helped to silence h...
PSALM 34 A Psalm made upon that occasion, though not at that time. HIS
BEHAVIOUR; or, _his habit_ or _posture_, or his _reason_, as this word
is taken, 1 Samuel 25:33 Psalms 119:66 Proverbs 11:22
Psalms 34:1 David H1732 pretended H8138 (H8763) madness H2940 before
H6440 Abimelech H40 away H1644 (H8762) departed...
Psalms 34:1
A ‘I will bless YHWH at all times,
His praise will continually be in my mouth.
B My soul will make her boast in YHWH,
The meek will hear of it, and...
Psalms 34:1
I. David begins by saying, "I will bless the Lord at all times." This
should be our resolution also. (1) There is a great power in praising.
It leads one away from self-consciousness. (2)...
Psalms 34:1. _I will bless the LORD at all times:_
«At dark times, and bright times when I am alone, and when I am in
company; when I feel like doing it and when I do not feel like doing
it: ‘I will...
«A psalm of David when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, who
drove him away, and he departed.» It was a very painful exhibition,
and one in which David does not shine but in which, nevertheles...
Psalms 34:1 _I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall
continually be in my mouth._
What a sweet resolve! Oh, that every one of us who knows the Lord
would make that resolve, and keep it a...
The title of this Psalm is, «A Psalm of David, when he changed his
behavior before Abimelech (or, Achish); who drove him away, and he
departed.» It relates to a sad scene in David's life when he had t...
Psalms 34:1. _I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall
continually be in my mouth._
«Others may do what they please, and murmur, and complain, and be
filled with dread and apprehension of...
CONTENTS: David thankfully records God's goodness and invites the
praise of others.
CONCLUSION: God's people who share His special favor should concur in
His praises and magn...
Psalms 34:6. _This poor man cried._ David, a prince yesterday, was
poor to-day; an exile among his enemies, and destitute of friends.
Yesterday, Saul sought his life, and now the friends of Goliath as...
_I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be
in my mouth._
I. an exemplification of true praise.
1. It is thorough.
(1) There is no praise without concentrati...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 34:1. This psalm is an expression of
thanksgiving for God’s protection and care for those who trust in
him. The title connects the psalm to...
“This psalm is assigned by the superscription to the occasion when
David, persecuted by Saul, fled to the Philistines, and being brought
before Achish was driven away by him as a madman ...
THIS is the third of the alphabetical psalms, and appears to have a
special connection with the second of them, Psalms 25:1. Like that
psalm, it omits the _vav_, and has a second _pe _at th...
Psa 34:1-22 is a psalm of David when he, it says, "changed his
behavior, before Abimelech." Actually, it is probably the case of when
he had gone down and Abimelech or Achish the king who drove him aw...
1 Samuel 21:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 2
Thessalonians 2:13;...
Why does the subtitle of this Psalm have the name Abimelech when the
name should be Achish?
PROBLEM: The subtitle of Psalms 34 states, “A Psalm of David when he
pretended madness before Abimelech, who...