With hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth.

Ver. 16. With hypocritical mockers in feasts] Cum sannionibus placentae vel cibi, with hypocritical mockers for a cake or dainties. There is an elegance in the original, which showeth it to be proverbial, and cannot be translated R. Solomon telleth us here, that they who delighted in flatteries gave their flatterers cakes baked with honey, to make them the more to flatter them. Solomon telleth of some that will transgress for a piece of bread, Proverbs 28:21. So those parasitic prophets, Ezekiel 13:19. Or, I am made their table talk, as Hosea 7:8, scornfully deriding me at their feasts and in their cups, Mensarii scurrae.

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