A little that a righteous man hath [is] better than the riches of many wicked.

Ver. 16. A little that the righteous man hath, &c.] Whereas it was said before, the meek shall inherit the earth, some man might object that sach are commonly poor enough; and that is no small affliction, as the heathens (Menander, Euripides, Alcus, &c.) have affirmed; and experience assureth it. Hereunto it is answered that "a little that the righteous man hath is better," &c., as a box of pearls is more worth than many loads of pebbles. And as a bird with a little eye, and the advantage of a wing to soar with, may see far wider than an ox with a greater; so the righteous, with a little estate, joined with faith, tranquillity, and devotion, may have mere pleasure, feel more comfort, see more of God's bounty, than one of vast possessions, whose heart cannot lift itself above the earth, as one well observeth. Some render it thus, Better is the little of one righteous man than the plenteous mammon of many wicked. The bee is as well (if not better) content with feeding on the dew, or sucking from a flower, as Behemoth, that grazeth on the mountains. Here the psalmist speaketh, saith Vatablus, of the secret blessing of God; Quia etsi in diem victitent, e caelo tamen non secus ac manna pascuntur; for although they have but from hand to mouth, yet they are fed from heaven, as it were, with manna.

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