They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

Ver. 19. They shall not be ashamed] They shall hold up their heads when others droop; neither shall they be without comfort in times of common calamity, as Noah was - media tranquillus in unda.

And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied] God will work wonders rather than they shall want anything that is good for them; as he fed the Israelites in the wilderness, Elijah by the ravens, Jeremiah by a special providence in the siege. As Rochelle was relieved by an extraordinary shoal of fish cast in upon them by Divine providence. And as Leyden, besieged by the Duke of Alva and forced for their sustenance to search and scrape dunghills, to boil old leather, &c., was rescued by the turning of the winds and swelling of the tide, which forced the duke to raise the siege and be gone.

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