For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.

Ver. 9. For evildoers shall be cut off] Yea, they shall soon be cut off, Psalms 37:10, and so shall all such as, having a while fretted at them, do at length revolt to them; as David was ready to do, once at least, Psalms 73:12,14, and as some others did out and out, as they say, Psalms 37:10, therefore his people return hither to their temporal undoing at least.

But those that wait upon the Lord] For deliverance in due season, and for accomplishment of the promises. All good people are such expectants, and should they die in a waiting condition (for comfort, I mean), yet are they blessed, because God hath said, Blessed are all they that wait for him, Isaiah 30:18 .

They shall inherit the earth] Having a right to all, as heirs of the world together with faithful Abraham, Romans 4:13, and although it be detained from them for a while, as the promised land was from the Israelites, by the Amorites, till their sins were full, Genesis 15:16; yet the saints shall one day have power over all things; and meanwhile they are sure of a sufficiency, if not a superfluity. An heir during his minority is many times held to strait allowance, and forced to borrow of servants; so it is with the saints.

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