For thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore.

Ver. 2. For thine arrows stick fast in me] i.e. Sicknesses of body and troubles of mind, Job 6:4 Psalms 18:14. The Jewish doctors say, that he had a leprosy for six months; and that the Divine presence was taken away from him; so that he complained not without uause (R. Obadiah). But these were sagittae salutis, saith Chrysostom; arrows of salvation, love tokens from the Lord, Dens amat quos sagittat (Aug.), not unlike Jonathan's arrows, 1 Samuel 20:36, and he had been forewarned of them by Nathan the prophet, 2 Samuel 12:9,12, and so bore them the better. Praevisa iacula minus feriunt, Darts foreseen are in a manner dintless.

And thy hand presseth me sore] Heb. Thou lettest down thy hand upon me. Now, God's hand is a mighty hand, 1 Peter 5:6, and the weight of it is importable, but that una eademque manus, &c.

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