They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow [the thing that] good [is].

Ver. 20. They also that render evil for good] While they rejoice at my misery, who fasted for them in their adversity, Psalms 35:15 .

Are mine adversaries] Heb. They satanically hate me, as if they were transformed into so many breathing devils.

Because I follow the thing that good is] This was devil-like indeed; this was to hate and persecute God in David (Tertul.). Thus Cain, the devil's patriarch, hated his brother Abel, and slew him. And why? "Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous," 1 John 3:12. For like cause Moab fretted at Israel, Numbers 22:3,4, and the courtiers at Daniel, Psalms 6:5 .

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