He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah.

Ver. 4. He shall choose our inheritance for us] Or, He hath chosen. Of his free grace he espied out the land of Canaan for his people Israel, flowing with milk and honey, and such as was the glory of all lands, Ezekiel 30:6; and as much, yea, much more hath he done for the whole Israel of God, both of Jews and Gentiles, by electing them to an inheritance immortal, undefiled, reserved in heaven for them, 1 Peter 1:4 .

The excellency (or high glory) of Jacob whom he loved] i.e. All those high and honourable privileges wherein Jacob once, and now all the faithful, may well glory and rejoice, see Rom 9:4-5 having as great both abundance and assurance of God's grace and goodness as Jacob ever had.

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