But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or [that] thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?

Ver. 16 But unto the wicked God saith] To the fair professor, but foul sinner, to the hypocrites in Sion, Isaiah 33:14, to the sacrificing Sodomites, Isaiah 1:10,11, those that take upon them to be teachers of others לומרים especially, Romans 2:20,21. Origen, after his foul fall, opening the book and lighting upon this text, was not able to preach, but brake out into abundance of tears.

What hast thou to do to declare my statutes?] Since they are holy, and ought to be handled by such as are holy, Isaiah 52:11; else they are dishonoured, 1 Samuel 2:17, God's name blasphemed, Romans 2:23,24, foul sinners hardened, Matthew 23:15 : Ore loqueris de illis, seal corde odisti (Syr. Interp.). Quid verba audiam cam facta videam? say such; dicta factis erubescunt, saith Tertullian, their practice shameth their profession. And, therefore, to such we may say, as Great Alexander did to one Alexander, a soldier of his, but a coward, Either give up thy name or be a soldier; so may we say to such profligate professors. Or as Archidamus, the Lacedemonian, said to his son, rashly conflicting with the Athenians, Aut viribus adde, aut animis adime; so here, Either add practice, or lay away profession.

Or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?] Boasting thyself to be one of mine, and blurting out good words, when the root of the matter is not in thee. If that state in story would not hear a good motion from an ill mouth, much less will God.

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