Psalms 55:1

Psalms 55:1 «To the chief Musician on Neginoth, Maschil, [A Psalm] of David. » Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication. _A Psalm of David_] Whether made upon occasion of his flight from Keilah, 1 Samuel 23:2, or from Absalom, 2 Samuel 15:16. _Idem est argumentum, et... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:2

Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise; Ver. 2. _Attend unto me, and hear me_] Heb. answer me, that is, grant me deliverance from this death which threateneth me. This is his sense, as appeareth by the sequel; though at present he could not instance, but only beggeth... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:3

Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me. Ver. 3. _Because of the voice of the enemy_] He may very well intend Shimei's bitter revilings, 2 Samuel 16:5, &c. _ For they cast iniquity upon me_] They tumble i... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:4

My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me. Ver. 4. _My heart is sore pained within me_] No otherwise than a woman is pained in travail; _cordicitus doleo._ I am pained deep in my heart. _ And the terrors of death are fallen upon me_] Caused, doubtless, by the d... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:5

Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me. Ver. 5. _Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me_] Fearfulness of heart, and trembling of body, _Timor cordis, tremor corporis; _ which last falleth out, when as the spirits flying back to the heart, to relieve it, leave... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:6

And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! [for then] would I fly away, and be at rest. Ver. 6. _And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove!_] _Ut citissime et longissime fugerem,_ that I might swiftly fly far off from Absalom's pursuers; as the dove saveth herself by fight, and not by fight, sc... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:7

Lo, [then] would I wander far off, [and] remain in the wilderness. Selah. Ver. 7. _Lo, then would I wander far off_] Far from the force and fury of these breathing devils. Jeremiah wisheth the like, as being tired out by the ungodly practices of his countrymen, Psalms 9:2. And many a dear child of... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:8

I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. Ver. 8. _I would hasten my escape from the windy storm, &c._] I would thrust my ship into any creek in the whole world, go as far as my legs, nay, wings, could carry me. Of the swiftness of the dove's flight, see Plin. l. 10, c. 37; and h... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:9

Destroy, O Lord, [and] divide their tongues: for I have seen violence and strife in the city. Ver. 9. _Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues_] Heb. Swallow them up, O Lord, and divide their tongues; by an allusion, as some conceive, to those two famous judgments of God upon Dathan and Abiram, f... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:10

Day and night they go about it upon the walls thereof: mischief also and sorrow [are] in the midst of it. Ver. 10. _Day and night they go about it, upon the walls thereof_] The ruffian soldiers do, as in garrisons is usual; or violence and strife do; so that in no place are good men in safety from... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:11

Wickedness [is] in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets. Ver. 11. _Wickedness is in the midst thereof_] As if it were no longer, as once, Theopolis, but Poneropolls, for all kind of naughtiness there. _ Deceit and guile depart not from her streets_] The Vulgate hath it,... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:12

For [it was] not an enemy [that] reproached me; then I could have borne [it]: neither [was it] he that hated me [that] did magnify [himself] against me; then I would have hid myself from him: Ver. 12. _For it was not an enemy that reproached me_] Ahithophel's perfidy and villany troubled David more... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:13

But [it was] thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. Ver. 13. _But it was thou, a man mine equal_] Heb. according to my rank, my compeer, my colleague, mine Alter-ego, my bosom friend, one that stood even with me, and upon the same ground, as it were. _ My guide_] In all mine affa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:14

We took sweet counsel together, [and] walked unto the house of God in company. Ver. 14. _We took sweet counsel together_] It was my great delight to confer and consult with him, especially about the things of God and the exercises of religion; which is or should be _sacratissimum inter homines vinc... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:15

Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them. Ver. 15. _Let death seize upon them_] _Irruat super illos mors,_ as a merciless landlord, as a cruel creditor, or as he in the Gospel, who took his fellow by the throat, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:16

As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Ver. 16. _As for me, I will call upon God_] Or, I have called upon God, _sc._ for good to be done to myself, Psalms 55:1, &c., and for evil to mine enemies, Psalms 55:9, &c. (of which sort of imprecations. _See Trapp on "_ Psa 35:4 _"_ A... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:17

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. Ver. 17. _Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray_] So Daniel prayed three times a day, Daniel 6:10; and in the temple they prayed at the third, sixth, and ninth hour of the day. The saints set themsel... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:18

He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle [that was] against me: for there were many with me. Ver. 18. _He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle_] This he speaketh upon his prayer, by the force of his faith; as being assured of victory before the battle was fought or stroke struc... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:19

God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God. Ver. 19. _God shall hear_] _sc._ My prayers which are on the file before him, and as solicitors with him. _Mittamus preces et lachrymas, cordis legatos,_ saith Cyprian. U... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:20

He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him: he hath broken his covenant. Ver. 20. _He hath put forth his hands, &c._] That wicked Ahithophel hath. The Fathers understand it of God and his judgments. _ He hath broken his covenant_] His oath of allegiance, and a particular oath... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:21

Psalms 55:21 [The words] of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war [was] in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet [were] they drawn swords. Ver. 21. _The words of his mouth were smoother than butter_] Full finely he could soothe and smooth me up, while he was my counsellor, with his... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:22

_Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved._ Ver. 22. _Cast thy burden upon the Lord_] _Dare tuum, vel donum tuum,_ that is, whatsoever thou wouldest have the Lord bestow upon thee, cast it first by faith upon him in prayer, _Agedum ig... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 55:23

But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee. Ver. 23. _But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction_] Into the deep Gehenna, saith the Chaldee; thou shalt hurl them in... [ Continue Reading ]

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