Trust in him at all times; [ye] people, pour out your heart before him: God [is] a refuge for us. Selah.

Ver. 8. Trust in him at all times] As well in the fail of outward comforts as in the abundance of them, trust him without a pawn; trust in a killing God, as Job did.

Pour out your hearts before him] sc. In prayer, 1 Samuel 1:11, first, rend your hearts, ut effundafur peccatum, saith Kimchi, and then pour them out as water, Lamentations 2:19, not as oil, which sticks to the side of the vessel that held it, but as water, that will out every drop; make a plain and full confession of all your sins in prayer, lest God say to you of your sins, as Samuel did to Jesse of his sons, Are these all? See the practice hereof in those penitent Israelites, 1 Samuel 7:6, and give not over the practice of mortification, till you feel your hearts fall asunder in your bosoms like drops of water. If iniquity be harboured there, prayer is obstructed; and if it do break out, it will have the scent and savour of that iniquity upon it.

God is a refuge for us] A safe and sure refuge; not as men who are a lie, Psalms 62:9, and were never true to those that trusted them.

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