Because thy lovingkindness [is] better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

Ver. 3. Because thy lovingkindness is better than life] Mr Bradford, being threatened by Stephen Gardiner (then Lord Chancellor), answered, I know to whom I have committed my life, even into his hands which will keep it, so that no man may take it away before it be his pleasure, therefore his goodwill be done; life in his displeasure is worse than death, and death in his true favour is true life (Acts and Mon. fol. 1459). This made him and the rest of the holy martyrs that they loved not their lives unto the death, Revelation 12:11. The sight of God, though but in that dark glass of the ceremonies, would have been better to David than life with the appurtenances, those Bιωτικα, riches, honours, pleasures, &c. See Psalms 4:7,8 .

My lips shall praise thee] God's love shed abroad in the heart cause the lips of them that are asleep to speak, Song of Solomon 7:9 .

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