Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy [place].

Ver. 12. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads] Subjected us to the villanies and outrages of the basest persons, who have used us more like beasts than men.

We went through fire and through water] That is, through variety of sharpest afflictions, noted out by this proverbial passage; fire and water are merciless elements, Aelius Pertinax fortunae pila pervulgate dicebatur, quod variis casibus exercitus fuit. It is the true Christian's comfort that nothing befalleth him but by a sweet providence; and that God goeth along with him into both fire and water, Isaiah 43:2, to see that he take no hurt by either.

But thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place] Heb. moist, that is, into the air, saith Aben Ezra, opposed to fire and water, where we might draw breath, and live comfortably. In locum irriguum, in refrigerium. It is but winking, said that martyr at the stake, and we shall be in heaven immediately. The Arabic hath it, Eduxisti nos ad requiem. Confer Acts 3:19 .

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