Psalms 67:6 [Then] shall the earth yield her increase; [and] God, [even] our own God, shall bless us.

Ver. 6. Then shall the earth yield her increase] Omnia opera nostra erunt prospera, All shall go well with us, and we shall abound with blessings of both lives. The gospel is a cornucopia; and they that receive it shall have all that heart can wish or need require; all creatures shall conspire to make them happy. The earth, which was cursed for man's sin, and hath lain bedridden, as it were, ever since, shall put forth her utmost strength for good people's use. God will hear the heavens, and the heavens shall hear the earth, &c., Hosea 2:21,22, when once men's hearts bear fruit to the Lord, Matthew 13:19; Matthew 13:23 Hebrews 6:7. Jerome interpreteth these words of the Virgin Mary bringing forth the child Jesus. Others thus, Then shall the earth bring forth innumerable servants of God.

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