Psalms 68:20 [He that is] our God [is] the God of salvation; and unto GOD the Lord [belong] the issues from death.

Ver. 20. He that is our God, is the God of salvation] Or, This God is unto us a God of salvation, in the plural, so that he can save us, and doth, from a thousand deaths and dangers; and when he hath delivered us today, he both can and will do it again tomorrow; he hath for his people omnimodam salutem.

And unto God the Lord belong the issues from death] When we think there is no way but one for us, he appeareth as out of an engine, and pulleth us out of death's jaws. The Lord knoweth how to deliver his, 2 Peter 2:9, from the most desperate and deadly dangers. Peter might well say it, for he had the experience of it, Acts 12:7,11; Christ hath the keys of death, Revelation 1:18, the sole dominion and disposal of it. Servat nos a morte, sicut ipse primus exibat e manu mortis.

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