The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring [my people] again from the depths of the sea:

Ver. 22. The Lord said] That is assurance good enough.

I will bring again from Bashan] Og the giant's country, where Israel was in no small distress and danger till that monster was taken out of the way, Numbers 21:33 Deuteronomy 3:1,2 : q.d. I will, if need require, and as occasion serveth, do as much for mine again as I did once at Bashan, and at the Red Sea. Some interpret this and the following verses of the calling of the Jews. The glorious things (saith one) which God will effect in their behalf are here reduced to five heads: First, the bringing of them home from most extreme difficulties, naming Bashan, because of the slaughter spoken of, Psalms 68:14, and the deep of the sea, alluding to Exodus 14:16, peradventure he meaneth the drying up of Euphrates before them. For this first head aimeth at those times, the beginning of the Jews' repair unto their country. The second head is, the great and famous victory that God will give, delivering them out of those difficulties and distresses, Psalms 68:22. See Isaiah 63:1,4. The third head is, the Jews' thorough conversion, by occasion of that singular mercy of God, Psalms 68:23, and the form of a goodly Church (under the type of the old synagogue) set up among Jacob's posterity, Psalms 68:24, the ten tribes as well as the tribe of Judah; which is concluded by acknowledging their strength to come from God, a prayer to perfect his work begun, and a spur to put into these kings of the east (as they are so called, Rev 16:12), to present in the temple at Jerusalem (in the public congregation) testimonies of their thankfulness, Psalms 68:25,28. The fourth head is, the taming of their proud enemies, and the forcing them at least to counterfeit a subjection, Psalms 68:29. The fifth head is, the general calling of all the kingdoms of the earth to join themselves unto the Church of Christ, which shall follow the conversion of the Jews. And this he shutteth up with provoking all nations to give unto God the praises that are due unto him for it; and his own particular thanksgiving, Psalms 68:30,34. Thus he.

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