Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.

Ver. 4. Sing unto God, sing praises] Cantate, Psallite, do it daily and duly, not in a customary, formal, bedulling way. For a help hereunto was this psalm penned, quo nihil ornatius, magnificentius, divinius denique scribi a quoquam possit, saith learned Beza, in a lofty and lively style.

Extol him that rideth upon the heavens] Exalt him so, as when a heap is made up unto a great height. Beza rendereth it, Sternite viam equiti deserti, Cast up or pave the way for him that rideth in the desert. Confer Isa 40:3-4 Mal 3:1 Matthew 3:3. The Septuagint render it, οδοποιησατε, Raise up the way, and make it ready (as they use to do before kings that ride in triumph), that the King of glory may come into your hearts, those deserts indeed.

By his name Jah] The same with Jehovah, that proper and incommunicable name of God. Some of the heathens called it Jao, as Diodorus Siculus, Macrobius, &c. Holy and reverend is this name, Aυταυτος, Essentiator, and it is here and elsewhere given to Christ. See it interpreted Revelation 1:4 .

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