Psalms 7:1 «Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite. » O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:

Shiggaion of David] i.e. David's delight or solace, say some; his mixed song, or synodee, say others.

Which he sang unto the Lord] He could sing away care, and punish his reproachers with a merry contempt, as knowing his own innocence; the property whereof is to throw off slanders, as Paul did the viper; yea, in a holy scorning, it laughs at them, as the wild ass doth at the horse and his rider.

Concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite] Which some take to be some cousin and courtier of Saul's, who had falsely accused good David (far from any such thought, Psa 131:1) of affecting the kingdom, and seeking Saul's life. See 1 Samuel 24:10. But I rather understand, with the Chaldee paraphrast, Saul's self, who was of Kish, and of Jemini, 1 Samuel 9:1, and that, by a disguise of name, he is called Cush the Benjamite, that is, an Ethiopian, because of his obstinate impenitence, according to Jeremiah 13:23. So Amos 9:7, rebellious Israel is to God as Ethiopia. Professors shall be as deep in hell, and deeper than Turks and infidels, because of their dissembled sanctity, which is double iniquity. Wrath shall be upon the Jew first, Romans 2:9; and when the foul sinner goes to hell what shall become of the fair professor? may such be asked, as are both in one. In the Ethiopian is nothing white but his teeth; so in a hypocrite, &c.

Ver. 1. O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust] Or, I betake me to thee for safety. David found it always best to run to the old rock, Isaiah 26:4, and to cry, "O Lord my God," pleading the covenant. This no wicked man can do; but, being beaten out of earthly comforts, he is as a naked man in a storm, and an unarmed man in the field, or as a ship tossed in the sea without an anchor, which presently dasheth on the rocks, or falleth upon the quicksands. Saul, for instance, who, being in distress, and forsaken by God, ran first to the witch, and then to the sword's point.

Save me from all them that persecute me] Where the prince is a persecutor (as in the primitive times, and here in the Marian days) many will be very active against God's people. O sancta simplicitas, said John Huss, martyr, when at the stake he observed a plain country fellow busier than the rest in fetching faggots.

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