Psalms 92:1 «A Psalm [or] Song for the sabbath day. » [It is a] good [thing] to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:

A Psalm or Song for the sabbath day] The sabbath in the Hebrew hath its name from resting (שׁבת), and is near allied to two other words, the first whereof signifieth to sit still (ישׁב), and the second to worship and give praise (שׁבת). On this day they met for works of piety (as sacrificing, reading and expounding the Scriptures, praying, singing, as here, &c.) and of mercy, Matthew 12:2,8; Matthew 12:11,12. And this psalm, treating of God's great works, was purposely set for a canon of sanctifying that day called by the Jews the queen of days; in praise whereof, before and after meat, they daily say certain verses.

Ver. 1.

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord] And the sabbath day is a good time to do it in; for then (as Kimchi here noteth) men are at leisure and liberty to do it most solemnly; the better day the better deed.

And to sing praises unto thy name] The psalmist commends it, and presently sets upon the doing of it. So Psalms 122:6,7, he no sooner bids pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but himself prays, "Peace be within thy walls," &c.

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