Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.

Ver. 6. Moses and Aaron among his priests] Or chief officers, as 1 Chronicles 18:17. Moses was, if not a priest, yet a continual intercessor for the people, and a type of Christ, the great mediator of his Church. Aben Ezra calleth him Cohen haccohanim, the priest of priests; and Philo, writing his Life, concludeth, this was the life and death of Moses the king, the lawgiver, the prophet, and the chief priest.

And Samuel] A man that could do much with God likewise, Jeremiah 15:1, and is therefore (as some conceive) called Pethuel, that is, a persuader of God, Joel 1:1 (Alsted).

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