I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Ver. 9. In the kingdom and patience] Christ hath a twofold kingdom; 1. Of power; 2. Of patience. Nec nisi per angusta ad augusta, &c. I have no stronger argument against the pope's kingdom, saith Luther, quam quod sine cruce regnat, than this, that he reigns without the cross. The glory of Christ's Church (said George Marsh, martyr) stands not in outward shows, in the harmonious sound of bells and organs, nor yet in the glistering of mitres and copes, &c., but in continual labours and daily afflictions for his name's sake. (Acts and Mon. fol. 1423.)

Was in the isle Patmos] He tells us not how he came thither, he boasteth not of his banishment. Virtus proprio contenta theatro, Virtue is no braggart. Eusebius telleth us that he was banished thither by Domitian; and that there he wrote his Revelation. In allusion whereunto, Luther called the place Patmos where he lay hidden by the elector of Saxony, when the emperor had proscribed him, and promised a great reward to any one that should bring him alive or dead to the court. Here it was that Luther translated the New Testament into Dutch, and wrote divers useful treatises, viz. at Wartburg, his Patmos. (Scultet. Annul.)

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