And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

Ver. 8. And prevailed not] They were so totally routed and ruined, that they could never rally or rage any more. Iucundum Christiano homini spectaculum est, quasi coram cernere certantem Christum cum Antichristo, saith one, concerning Luther's reformation. (Scultet. Annal.) It was a pleasant sight to see Christ and Antichrist striving for the better. For whatsoever the pope with his bulls, or the emperor with his lightbolts, did to hinder it, still the gospel ran and was glorified; and as then, so ever since, maugre (defy) the malice of Rome and of hell. Their late utmost endeavours, and some successes for a season, were but as the last spruntings or bitter bites of dying beasts.

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