And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Ver. 12. Upon the great river Euphrates] i.e. Upon whatsoever yet hindereth the destruction of spiritual Babylon and the coming in of the Jews, as the Turkish empire.

That the way of the kings] Christians, say some, who are kings in righteousness, and come from the East, or from Christ, "That dayspring from on high," Luke 1:78. Others understand this text of the Jews, who are most of them in the East, dispersed through Turkey, Tartary (the ten tribes especially), and China. a Junius saith, that which is called the "land of Sinim," Isaiah 49:12, may probably be meant of China; which if it be the meaning, there may be many of the Jews, whose conversion we daily expect and pray for. See Isa 11:15-16 Zechariah 10:10,11 .

a Tartars of Tothar, a remnant or residue.

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