With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

Ver. 2. With whom the kings] As submitting their sceptres to his keys; and becoming his feudatories.

And the inhabiters of the earth] So that she is not a noble whore only, but a common strumpet, prostituting herself to the meanest for their money, as in the pardon office.

Have been made drunk] Hence it is so difficult to convert idolaters: there is no dealing with a man that is drunk. "Whoredom and wine take away the heart," Hosea 4:11 .

Of her fornication] Both spiritual and corporal. Sixtus Quintus lupanar utriusque Veneris Romae condidit (saith Agrippa) et decessit tabidus voluptate.

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