I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Ver. 9. I know thy works and tribulations] Mark (saith one) the conjunction, "works and tribulations." Active stirring Christians are like to suffer much. Of Sardis and Laodicea only, we read not of any troubles they had.

And poverty, but thou art rich.] Poverty discommends not any to Christ; money bears no mastery in his kingdom. Thou art poor, saith he here; but that is neither here nor there; it is a matter of nothing, that, stumble not therefore at the Church's poverty. She is ever rich: 1. In reversion, and hath heaven and happiness; she is ever rich in bills and bonds. 2. In an apparent pledge that is worth all the world besides; that is, in Christ. If he have given us his Son, &c. All is yours who are Christ's, &c.

That say they are Jews] That is, right worshippers, as the Turks at this day style themselves Mussulmans, that is, the only true believers; Papists, the only Catholics. Faciunt et vespae favos, et simiae imitantur homines. Cyprian.

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